Creation of resume website includes the designing and development. Designing always depends on your profession and the impression you want to create on your future employer. So always think of the designing a template that can make your resume website strikingly memorable. Pick colors, font, and styling and look for the best description of you, your personality and your professional skills.
Development of resume website includes many different aspects of the technologies. There are various steps that you should follow to grab the best for your career.
Depending on your competency you can opt for one from these two ways to start your resume website:
- Blog
- Website
- Free: you can work on blog or there are numbers of websites which offer you the free service to create your resume website. They also offer some more services like comments, guest book or polls.
- Paid: for paid resume website you can use godaddy or hostgator to host your website. Or you can go for paid services which provide you with the best services and build you resume website. They automatically update your resume and offers you various templates.